Puppy dog in training

Puppy Classes

The Kind Canine Puppy Classes focus on supporting a young dog through the early developmental stages of their life. Focusing on socialization, how dogs learn, and foundational cues - owners will walk away from this class with a better understanding of what motivates their dog’s behaviors.

Puppies should be age 8 weeks to 6 months old at the start of class.

Do you have more questions? Drop us a line at thekindcaninepetservices@gmail.com

Puppy Classes Starting Monthly!

What you’ll get:

  • Four (4) weeks of proven, time tested, and force free training techniques that will set a strong foundation for your puppy’s well being

  • A small group, focused class experience. Limited to five puppies per class with two trainer instructors at each session

  • A training plan after each class loaded with resources, at-home activities, and troubleshooting tips to address a puppy parent’s most urgent and foundational needs when caring for their puppy

Class Requirements

Age 8 weeks to 6 months at the start of class

Vaccinations Distemper and Parvo vaccinations are required for any dog participating in classes. Dogs older than 4 months should also have received Parainfluenza and Rabies vaccinations. Proof of vaccinations required for admittance into first class. (Note: vaccination series for Distemper and Parvo does not have to be complete, but current and on track!)

Gear Flat, rolled, or no-slip collar or body harness or no-pull harness. Choke chains, prong or pinch collars and electronic collars are not permitted in class.

Behavior Dogs showing aggressive behaviors are not allowed in class. Puppies displaying nervousness or aggression around other dogs may consider our private training options. To inquire about private training, you can fill out our intake here.

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